Fees charged by the school is as per the norms fixed by the state government and CBSE.
It is fixed after considering several factors, such as the normal capacity of parents to pay,
the guidelines provided by the CBSE and State government, the average pay scales offered
in private schools, the need to balance income and expense of the school on an annual
basis, the need for a reserve fund, the school’s contingency fund, and other similar issues. It
is commensurate with infrastructure and facilities offered by the school.
The quantum of fee is at par with the (respective) norms. Fees will be revised after every
three years as per the Maharashtra Educational Institutions (Regulation of Fee) Act 2011,
the approval of fee structure is sought from the EPTA and PTA Committee members.
Information about Fee is in the public domain (School Website) logical explanation is given as to on what basis the fee is charged.
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